Tuesday, April 28, 2009

'Viagra rival'

Well, popping the common erectile dysfunction pill before sex could soon be a passe. Scientists have come up with what they claim is a new generation of more effective anti-impotency drugs which can be rubbed into skin.

An international team has successfully tested the new technique -- which involves tiny objects called nanoparticles -- on laboratory rodents and believe it could also be used to help humans.

An international team has successfully tested the new technique -- which involves tiny objects called nanoparticles -- on laboratory rodents and believe it could also be used to help humans, The Daily Telegraph reported

According to scientists, under the new therapy, nanoparticles that release the anti-erectile chemical nitric oxide are rubbed on the problem area, and absorbed directly into the skin.

In fact, of the seven rats treated by the team, led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, five showed signs of arousal.

"This is a very interesting concept which has potential to impact treatment of many conditions including erectile dysfunction if it can be translated from the animal lab to clinical practice," said Ira D Sharlip of the AUA.

However, according to the scientists, the new treatment would likely have fewer side effects than the common pill, which is taken orally and been shown to cause headaches and facial flushing.

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